Sensory Cupboard Donations
SENSORY CUPBOARD DONATIONS 👑 - Monthly Request for October
We use a lot of everyday resources in our teaching and learning and appreciate any support in ensuring we can continue to provide this for our children. Below is a list of resources that we are in need of at school this month....
Shaving foam
Jelly crystals/cubes
Corn Flour
Creme of Tartar powder
So if you're heading to the supermarket this week, or throughout the month, and are able to add an extra item to your basket to donate to our school, we would REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you from all of us at Kingsbury ❤️
At Kingsbury sensory experiences are at the heart of our learning. We explore using all of our senses to help us process information and make learning accessible. To find out more about our sensory learning please visit our Sensory Learning page