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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Your Child’s Progress

Our assessment systems wrap around the individual child and capture their learning in order that we can celebrate their engagement and progress. Our systems are driven by the needs of our individual children and their personalised progress to ensure that we, they and their families are confident that this is the best it can be.  


“Every decision we make should be about the child and the best interests of the children and families” Peter Imray 



At Kingsbury, our learners make very small steps of progress in individual ways.  Evidence for Learning tracks the progress and journey of the personalised learning outcomes that link to the progress of expected outcomes from each child’s Education Health Care Plan. This evidence has provided us with the information we require to track individual progress and has developed individualised learning conversations and allows us to celebrate personalised success. We involve parents who help us write meaningful life enhancing outcomes, and through the two way sharing on Evidence for Learning we can together look at their child’s skills and how they generalise these. 

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

Request Paper Copies

Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

