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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn term 2

Week 6

This week we have been busy completing Christmas crafts and practicing then performing our Christmas Concert.  We also went on a lovely trip to Warbreck Garden Centre to look at all their Christmas decorations! 

Friday Forest School

Week 5

We have been getting into the Christmas Spirit this week! We have made Christmas cards, salt dough decorations, rice crispy and marshmallow Christmas trees and some little presents for our families. 
We enjoyed our visit to Twinkle House and spent time in our walkers exploring the school.  


Week 4

This week we have been busy. We made the Portugal flag using our feet, we made rocky road in cookery, we enjoyed playing instruments to Christmas songs in music and we loved going to Twinkle house for our hydro and soft play session.  On Friday was our MOVE enrichment day where we could visit other classes to complete activities relating to other countries. Our country was Portugal and we visited Poland, Spain and Germany. Some of us tasted different foods and we made lovely crafts, 

Week 3

We have been busy in class this week! On Monday we made lovely Pudsey Bear pictures using tissue paper, then on Tuesday we used our fingers to make the spotty bandana! We also enjoyed our Christmas Sensory Story and loved the twinkly Christmas tree. 

On Wednesday we made Pudsey bear cookies and used smarties to make it all spotty. Thursday we enjoyed our visit to the soft play at Twinkle House and worked very hard on our MOVE programme so in the afternoon we enjoyed a lovely TacPac relaxation session. 
Today we had a lovely visit off Dougie this morning, explored the school in our walkers and enjoyed listening to our Christmas songs. We ended our very busy week with a story massage session! 


Week 2

This week in Michelle’s class we have explored our new Snowman themed TacPac and our new Christmas Sensory story!  We really enjoyed these session and we were all very engaged in our activities. 
In baking this week we made Marshmallow eyeballs, some of us thought the ingredients were very tasty! 
We also made bonfire pictures by mixing yellow, red and orange paint using either our feet or hands. We got very messy!
We also enjoyed time out of class exploring soft play, the light room and twinkle house. Our hydro sessions are lots of fun. 

Friday Forest School

Week 1

We have had lovely first week back after the half term. We’ve been very busy! We had fun making chocolate apples for bonfire night and making bonfire pictures in sensory art. 
We enjoyed a trip to twinkle house to use the hydrotherapy pool and the soft play room. Kingsbury had some very special visitors on Thursday! We had firemen from the local fire station - some of us climbed into the fire engine and sprayed the water from the hose. 🌟

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

