Katie's Class
Welcome to Katie’s Class!
Meet our wonderful team…
We are a specialist sensory ASD unit with a big heart!
In order to reach our full potential we benefit from a play-based curriculum which integrates the use of total communication, intensive interaction, sensory stories, sensory diets, signing, and kinaesthetic approaches to learning.
We learn best through a mixture of adult-led and child-initiated activities that support our multisensory needs, motor skills, social skills, communication and independence.
We love to explore our environment in many different multisensory ways; we enjoy swimming, Rebound therapy, Sensory baking, Forest School, outdoor play, going for community walks and getting out and about on our sunshine mini bus.
Take a look inside our classroom
We were so pleased & honoured to receive this letter from Her Majesty.
Summer 2022 - this term our topic is Magical Make Believe!
Happy New Year!
Spring 2022 - our topic this term is
‘What is it made of and what does it do?’
Happy Mother’s Day to the wonderful mother’s of Katie’s Class children!
Spring term 1: Week 5 - We continued exploring space this week. We have enjoyed reading ‘My sister is an alien’ and ‘There’s an alien in my book’. We made a cardboard box rocket which we have used to act out stories and role play. We also smashed chalk onto black paper with hammers to make galaxy pictures.
Merry Christmas from Katie’s Class!
Come & see our fun, learning journey as we soar to success this upcoming year!
Autumn term 2021 - Our topic this term is Celebrations!
Autumn term 2: week 4 - This week we have been learning about the celebration of Thanksgiving. Through a sensory story and play based activities we explored things that we were thankful for and explored some ways that others celebrate this tradition. We made a turkey stew in sensory baking and practiced our kitchen safety with some chopping skills.
Welcome to Purple Frogs 1 2020-2021
Summer term 2021 - Our topic this term is 'Our Wonderful World'