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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer 1

Week 7 - 20th May

Nicola’s class have had a lovely week finishing off the story of the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 
We have made cupcakes (yummm), played with icecream playdough, painted our own butterfly symmetry pictures and planted seeds to attract our own butterflies.

It’s been a very successful half term and we are so so proud of all the children in Nicola’s class, and how much progress they have already made.

I hope you have a restful half term, ready for some ‘SPLASH!’ Themed fun, next half term.

Week 6 - 13th May

This week we have continued exploring the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

We have fed the hungry caterpillar lots of tasty food, and developed our own vocabulary in the process.

We have painted the fruits from the story with scented paints, to give us a multi-sensory art experience.

We painted our own caterpillar pictures by using apples to print with.

We have tried some of the different fruits too; we used visual core boards to help us express our likes and dislikes.

We have also enjoyed music and playing the piano and guitar this week; the children loved feeling the vibrations of the instruments and exploring the different volume and pitch.

We are excited to continue the story next week and try some of the other foods from the story…. Especially chocolate cake and ice cream - come back next week to see the rest of our sensory story fun.



Week 4 - 6th May


This week’s sensory has been ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, and the children have enjoyed the first part of the story, exploring the different fruits and props. They have all enjoyed painting their own caterpillar pictures too. Next week we will continue to build up the story and explore different elements….. I can’t wait until the chocolate cake and ice cream next week.

We have enjoyed lots of outdoor play in this lovely weather, exploring water play, mark making with chalks and bubbles. The children have been developing their turn taking skills this week, using visuals to help them take turns on the swing and during different activities in class.


well done Nicola’s class.



Week 3 - 29th April

This week has been very busy and lots of fun.
The children have continued enjoying our sensory story about spring, we have enjoyed posting activities, painting with leaves and natural resources, different mark making activities, PE with Wigan athletics club and continuing to explore the continuous provision and build on the fundamental skills needed to play and explore.

We have continued learning about our self-regulation and practising using different sensory equipment, we even ended the week with a story massage and some lovely calming activities.

The children are doing a wonderful job of using their new communication strategies to make requests for toys and snacks.

The children are doing a great job of sitting together for snack and group times too; it is wonderful to have the whole class together to share these moments. 


Well done Nicola’s class, what a wonderful week you’ve all had.



Week 2 - 22nd April

I can't believe it is only the end of the second week for the children in Nicola's class. We have continued practising our routine and transitions around school; the children are doing AMAZINGLY well! The children are doing really well at gathering for group time, sensory story, sensology and bucket time, as well a participating in adult-led activities on a 1:1 basis.


This week we have been using the story "Spring Sings" as inspiration for our learning. We have looked at all of the different animals from our story, painted pictures of the characters, tried honey (like the bees make in the story), dug in the sand to find different animals, and matched pairs of animals and their babies.


The children have also enjoyed their first 'Rebound' session (which is a therapeutic exercise on a trampoline) with our teaching assistant, Josh.


It has been a fantastic week of playing and learning. Well done Nicola's Class smiley

Our first week at Kingsbury

What a fantastic first week.

Nicola’s class welcomed 5 new children to Kingsbury Primary School this week. We have focused on settling in and following the routines of the classroom, such as finding the classroom in the morning, hanging up our coats, joining the group for songs and activities and sitting together for snacks and meals. The children have been INCREDIBLE (you would not believe it has only been a week).

We have had lots of fun playing with sand, water, painting, gluing and sticking, playing with small worlds and cars and blocks and outside - it has been a busy and brilliant week.

The children have also started to learn how to self regulate and how to communicate via different means. All of these skills will be developed and embedded over their time at Kingsbury.

Well done Nicola’s class for a super, duper, start to school!

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

