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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn Term 1

Week 6


What a busy week in Michelle’s class! We have had a lovely time finishing our Fairground sensory story and trying real candy floss! We have been making some spooky skeleton pictures using pasta and paint! We liked getting messy. We also had a lovely treat, we made our own pumpkin patch! We all went pumpkin picking and exploring lots of messy slimy textures in messy play. 

Have a lovely half term!

Week 5


This week in Michelle’s class we have been exploring our senses- using our hands  to paint lovely pictures (touch), trying our ingredients when making banana muffins (taste), making lots of choices and enjoying the lights in the light room (sight) playing our instruments to play songs fast, slow, quietly and loudly (hearing) and smelling our lovely muffins (smell).
We have been on a lovely autumn walk to the Greenhill playground where we enjoyed listening to and playing the musical instruments and our weekly trip to twinkle house to swim and explore the sensory room was lots of fun. 

We have all been working so hard on our MOVE targets too! 

Week 4

This week in Michelle’s class we have been very busy having lots of fun and getting messy!
We enjoyed using edible finger paints to create lovely pictures and we got super messy creating funny face pizza’s!

We have also been very energetic this week, working on our MOVE programmes, using our walking frames and standing frames, rebound sessions, movement to music and some of us even went to hydro and we learnt how to hook a duck in our Sensory Story. 
We do get some time to relax and we enjoyed TACPAC, massage story , spending time in the light room and sensology sessions, enjoying time out of our equipment and chilling on the mats in class! 

Forest School Friday

Week 3

This week we have been very busy working hard in class and celebrating Rosh Hashanah. We have explored lots of red and yellow textures using paint, sand and glitter to decorate apple pictures and make some star footprints! We have been playing with red pasta and red rice in our sensory tuff trays too. We like the way they feel on our hands and feet! In sensory baking we made some Challah bread - we really enjoyed exploring all of the ingredients and making the dough. We have also made some class trees this week using our arms and hands to print. 
Some of us went into the soft play suite at twinkle house and some of us went into the hydro pool, both sessions have been amazing and filled with lots of smiles!
We have had lots of wow moments this week too, which makes everyone at school super proud of us! We have had an amazing and fun time in Michelle’s class!

Week 2

We have been very busy having fun and exploring in Michelle's class this week!  

Some of us have been using our walkers, we have enjoyed rebound and a visit to Twinkle House to go swimming and visit their Soft Play room. We have been to the 'Fairground' in our sensory story, used handprints to make our class trees and made beautiful music with our instruments.  We finished our week with a lovely calming Sensology session and massage. 

It's been amazing to welcome the children back into school this week!

We have had so much fun in Michelle's class. We've been very busy in class exploring the 'At The Seaside' sensory story. We particularly liked using the water spray!! We enjoyed making some rice crispie cakes this week. As a class we went to Twinkle House on Thursday using the hydrotherapy pool and the soft play suite. With the weather being nice this week we have also been onto the sensory playground - using the roundabout, swing and see saw! 

Our first week back!

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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