Sensory Drama
All our classes take part in sensory drama. Each sensory drama session allows children to immerse themselves in a multisensory story experience through music, movement, communication, touch, taste and smells whilst they are guided through a story on the screen by our school puppet, Eric.
Sensory drama allows opportunities for:
- Creating a fun and exciting environment which the children choose to participate in.
- Interaction and communication.
- Learning through experience.
Our most recent sensory drama session was based on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children travelled through the story with Eric where they experienced touching the different materials used to build the houses; they tasted apples from the apple tree in the story; they smelt garlic growing in the allotments; they felt the 'wind' from the Wolf blowing down the houses; they played percussion instruments to replicate the wolf knocking at the door, all whilst watching Eric tell the story on the screen with the use of visuals and music.