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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer 2023

14th July


This week we have practised for our leavers assembly. A lot of our learning has revolved around our topic ‘When I Grow Up'. Some other activities include:


-Attention Autism

-Reading different sensory stories 

-Musical Communication

-Dough Gym

-Preparing different meals


-Learning through play

Forest School

7th July 


For our end of the year trip we visited Blackpool Zoo. We walked around and managed to see all of the different animals and dinosaurs. 

30th June 



This week we have continued learning about growing up. Check out some of the activities we have enjoyed:


- Learning about different job roles 

- Exchanging money for goods at the shops

- Sensology 

- Attention Autism 

- Swimming

- Cooking 

- Relationships 

- Lots of learning through play and PLOs

Forest School

23rd June


We have started our new mini topic,  When I Grow up. This week we focused on doctors and nurses. Some of things we have learnt about this week include:


-Matching pictures/words of jobs to roles.

- Read sensory story When I Grow Up

- Matched upper and lower case letters

-Visited Midstream Garden Centre and learnt how to sit in their cafe 

- A lot of learning through play and PLOs

Some of the children from our class joined in with Accrington Academy’s swimming pentathlon. They made us proud with their team work and effort. Please see some of the other things we have been up to: 


- Read the multi sensory story 10 Little Dinosaurs

- Call and Response 

- Made Father’s Day cards and invited them for afternoon tea

- Followed instructions to brush our teeth and hair

- Counting out dinosaur eggs

- PLOs and lots more 

Forest School

9th June


This week we have continued with our dinosaur theme. Some of the children in our class participated in Pendle View’s GLD football tournament which was a great day. Below are a few of the things we have learnt about this week:


- Ordering numbers

- Counting out objects 

- Identifying core emotions

- Sequencing our sensory story 10 Little Dinosaurs and identifying problems and solutions

- Lots of Call and Response  

- PLOs and much more 



26th May


We have continued with out dinosaur topic this week. Please see some of the things we have learnt about this week:


- Sequencing stories

- Making predictions about stories

- Following visual and written instructions to make dinosaur cakes and play dough 

- Attention Autism 

- Call and Response 

- Yoga

- Identifying emotions and regulation strategies 

- and lots more

Forest School

19th May


The children have been really engaged with our dinosaur topic. Please see some of the things we have learnt about this week:


- Sequencing the story Dugie the Dinosaur

-Visited Liverpool Museum

- Matching quantities to numbers 

- Identifying colour names 

- Story massage

- Reading instructions

- PLOs and learning in the provision





Some of the children in Eddie’s class have been on a residential to Borwick Hall this week!

Forest School

5th May


This week we have continued to learn about the King’s coronation. Check out some of what we have learnt about this week:


- We read a rhyming story called The King’s Coronation a Multi Sensory Adventure and sequencing the story

- Attention Autism and the colours of the Union Jack

- Coronation bingo and a party

- We made lots of food for our party

- Story massage

- Life skills such as brushing our hair and teeth

- Lots of learning in the provision and PLOs


28th April


This week we have started our topic Life Around us and we have focused on the King’s upcoming coronation. Please see some of what we have learnt about below:


- Read lots of stories and poems about the King
- Matching royal jewels to numbers 

- Attention Autism 

- Consenting to touch in story massage

- Sharing objects in art

- Handing out cups and plates in cooking 

- Lots of PLOs and other activities 

21st April


A huge welcome back after our Easter break. Next week we will start our topic Life Around us and Our Growing World. This week we have been leaning about; 


- Identifying and ordering numbers 

- For Eid we read a multi-sensory and engaged in a variety of activities 

- Followed instructions to create pancakes and play dough

- Tacpac

- Sensology 

- Story massage 

- Identifying different emotions

- Lots of learning through play and in our continuous provision 

Forest School

Get in touch

  • Acting Headteacher: Helen Smith
  • Deputy Headteachers: Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

Request Paper Copies

Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

