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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer 2

This week we have started a new story all about Summer.  We have painted, played in the sand and pretended that we were at the beach.  We have made sandcastles with our bucket and spade and knocked them down...Splat!


Looking forward to next week's adventures!


Thank you,

Terri and the class team



Week 6

This week in Terri's class we have been looking at different shapes and painting with animals! We have walked to Aldi and made our own sandwiches for snack.  

Next week, we have a new story all about Summer!

Looking forward to another busy and exciting week!


Terri and the class staff.

Week 5

This week in Terri's class, we have read a new story called "The Big Red Bath".  We have explored the colour red and took part in lots of exciting activities in and out of the classroom.  We have washed animals in the water and made our own bubble painting pictures.  For our sensory cooking, we made yummy sandwiches.  


Terri and the class team



Week 4

We have had a fantastic time in Terri's Class this week.  We have made fish and turtles and look at all the different creatures that live under the sea.  We loved swimming and played on Eddie's class playground... it was so much fun!


We have a new story next week called 'The Big Red Bath' and lots of fun activities planned.


Terri and the class team


Week 3

This week we have loved our sensory story 'Into the Blue'.  We have been learning all about different sea creatures from the story and had lots of fun!

We have also been swimming and walked to Aldi for our community visit.

Thank you to all the dads who came for our Father's day afternoon.  I hope you like your presents!


Terri and the class staff

Week 2

Week 1

It was lovely to see all of the children back this week!  

We have settled back into school life well.  We have walked to Aldi on our community walk and took our learning outside whenever we could.

The theme of this term is 'Splash', so lots of water play and learning about under the sea and the seaside!


We are going to have a fun term!


Terri and the class team. 

Get in touch

  • Acting Headteacher: Helen Smith
  • Deputy Headteachers: Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

