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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn Term 1

Week 7- We have continued this week with our story ‘Little Acorns’. We have enjoyed making our own playdough hedgehogs. We went pumpkin picking this week which we all loved and worked on our fine and gross motor skills picking up the pumpkins and pushing the wheeelbarrows. We have been making bird feeders this week for our outdoor area. We have also enjoyed story massage this week and we talked about how it makes us feel calm. Have a great half term Kathryn’s class! 

Week 6- This week, we have started reading the story ‘Little Acorns’. We have started to talk about the signs of spring and have been observing changes in our school playground. We have enjoyed making our very own autumn wreath this week, working on our fine motor skills. We have also been making hot chocolate and gingerbread men. We worked hard to help Kathryn and Josh measure out the different ingredients and used our fine motor skills to mix the mixture together. They were very tasty! 

Forest School

Week 5- We have continued this week with the story ‘Supertato’. The children have absolutely loved this story! We have been busy making chips this week, practising our fine motor skills with peeling, cutting and preparing the potatoes. We have enjoyed exploring lots of different vegetables and some of us tried some! We particularly liked making wrap pizzas this week. We have also enjoyed counting out the ‘evil peas’ and worked on matching number to quantity. We have been using our detective skills this week, finding different CVC words with the ‘superhero ink’. We enjoyed a trip out on Tuesday to Dobbies, McDonald’s and then to the park. The children did lovely sitting in McDonald’s and behaved well. What a great week! 

Week 4- This week, we have been reading the story ‘Supertato’. We have really enjoyed looking at different vegetables and have have been practising our life skills and fine motor skills by making some vegetable soup this week! We particularly liked making our very own Supertato out of a real potato and they all looked great. We have been practising cutting up different vegetables and some of us tried some. We ended the week making our very own superhero masks, just like Supertato! 

Forest School

Week 3- This week, we have been learning all about emotions. We have enjoyed reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’. The children have been talking about the different emotions in the story and what makes them feel that way. We have enjoyed making our own colour monster, made our own monster stress balls using balloons and flour and have been colour sorting using our fine motor skills. We enjoyed our first Ed visit of autumn term, where we went on the bus to Botanic Gardens in Southport and Rainford Park. We loved exploring the parks and practised our gross motor skills and turn taking skills. 

Week 2- This week we have been learning all about the five senses. We have talked about what each sense does and have done lots of lovely activities relating to each sense. We have been on a listening walk around the school grounds, where we talked about what we could see and some of us had a go at drawing what we saw. We have also been trying different foods, using words such as ‘crunchy’, ‘salty’ etc to describe the foods. We have been smelling different foods and even made some yummy popcorn which was fun to watch! 

Week 1- What a lovely first week back in Kingsbury! We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and have been getting to know the new staff and children. We have been doing lots of ‘All About Me’ work this week, we enjoyed decorating our name with different colours, learning about who is in our family and have been getting use to our new routines within class. We will be making pasta each week as part of our life skill sessions and learning how to cook safely. 

Forest School

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

