Summer 1
Week 6
This week we have continued to enjoy our topic of ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have continued to work on our communication skills, our fine and gross motor skills and our life skills. We went out to the local diner for breakfast, we have also enjoyed our community walks.
Week 5
This week our story has been ‘The. Dry Hungry Caterpillar’ the children have enjoyed exploring habitats that mini beasts live in. We have fed the hungry Caterpillar lots of different kinds of food and even tried some ourselves! We have worked really hard with our communication and building friendships with others in our class. We have ordered the story, counted the Caterpillars legs, made cocoons out of play dough. Helping support our fine motor skills. We have enjoyed the usual activities such as soft play, sensory playground, sensology, Dough Disco and sensory baking as well as swimming.
Week 4
This week we have explored the life cycle of a ladybird. We have continued with Ladybird, Ladybird as our sensory story. We have enjoyed swimming, sensory backing, soft play lots of outside play as we have finally had some warmer weather.
We have been on a bug hunt, collected some materials to make our bug houses, counted spots, we’ve matched ladybirds with spots on their back to the correct numbered leaf, we have explored different textures such as rice, flour, and mud to see which they would prefer. We have worked really hard on our engagement and our communication too. To finish the week we had our creative afternoon where parents were able to come and join the fun with their children.
Week 3
Continuing our ‘Let’s explore’ topic we have used Ladybird, Ladybird as our sensory story and we have looked at the life cycle of a frog. We have also enjoyed lots of sensory play in ‘Frogspawn’ we have counted frogs and Lilly pads matching number and quantity. We have been on a community walk to the park and enjoyed sensory backing.
week 1 & 2
Welcome back to the summer term, this terms topic is ‘Let’s Explore’ our book for the first two weeks is We’re going on a Bear Hunt’
im really pleased to say the children have settled back into school really well, we have worked hard on re establishing our routines and our communication this week.
We have also been swimming for the first time! We are so very proud of the children, they did exceptionally well throughout- getting on the bus, going into the swimming pool venue, getting changed and then getting in the water, some were a little unsure and held on to an adult others were off the minute they got in the water. Some took a little time to get used to it then went were off. They all got out of the water and got changed and back on the bus so well. We can’t wait to go again next week!