Relationships, Sex and Health Education / Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Here at Kingsbury RSHE / SEMH is embedded in everything we do throughout our curriculum and our holistic approach to teaching and learning through which pupils gain the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their spiritual, cultural, mental and physical development as independently as possible.
Our aim is to create a safe, loving and secure environment where children are valued as an individual, whilst valuing differences of others and understanding that we are all unique.
As well as supporting pupil’s emotional development, we aim to strengthen our relationship with parents and carers. In actively engaging the wider-school community, we will promote and help to support their emotional well-being and mental health; which will enable them to support their children further.
Our pupils are working pre-National Curriculum with a range of complex and diverse needs therefore individualisation and differentiation is required to meet the appropriate learning needs of each child.
We believe that our curriculum gives our pupils the opportunity to develop physically, emotionally and socially, so that they are appropriately prepared for the wider world and able to access their communities positively and as independently as possible.
The core themes covered throughout our curriculum will be: -
- living in the wider world,
- growing and changing,
- keeping safe,
- healthy lifestyles,
- healthy relationships,
- feelings and emotions, and
- valuing differences.
Pupils are taught many skills to develop their self-help and social skills throughout their daily routines and skill-based learning is embedded within our ‘Kingsbury Way’ play-based curriculum. Each cohort provide enhanced learning environments which are structured so that child-initiated learning, selecting resources independently, making choices are encouraged.
Parents were recently invited to a consultation meeting with the RSHE Lead teacher to discuss and inform them about the way in which we teach RSHE at Kingsbury. Parents are also informed about topics covered under the Sex Education curriculum throughout the year as they occur and are informed about their right to withdraw their child from SE sessions with the exception of those in the science curriculum areas.
Pupils also participate in themed events throughout the year such as Healthy Eating Week and Anti-Bullying Week and Pride week where pupils engage in a range of activities to celebrate and support these causes.
Pupils progress is recorded and assessed using Evidence for Learning, allowing teachers to track progress and assess the relevant next steps for each pupil as part of an individualised approach to learning and development. This is monitored by class teachers, RSHE lead and SLT.
The curriculum is reviewed frequently to ensure progression and appropriate delivery. We recognise the importance of identifying staff who need support with knowledge and skills, and implement this through training where required. The RSHE curriculum guides, policies and training ensures and enables pupils to receive support when appropriate as an individualised approach.
RSHE Lead: Katie Gordon-Morris