Summer Term 2
Week 1
This week in Ally's class we started our new topic - water, water, everywhere! We read the story 'Tiddler the story telling fish' this week. The children enjoyed making and decorating playdough fish, using loose parts such as buttons, marbles and glass beads. They also explored mark making using paint and the loose parts to make scales on their fish.
The children used the laptops to do some research about fish and chose their favourite ones by looking at pictures. They then found out where they live, how big they grow and what they eat.
This linked to looking at life cycles, how we grow and change as well as how animals grow and change. The children did really well exploring changes and noticing changes as animals and humans grow.
We used the hall for a PE session this week and practised our balance, turn taking, climbing and co-ordination skills. The children really enjoyed using the equipment and had lots of fun moving in different ways.