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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer 1

In our final week of term, we have been creative as usual. We have been making sensory bags and bottles, exploring sounds in the tuff tray and playing lots of turn-taking games in Soft Play and on the Sensory Playground! We have also cooked noodles, cakes and hot dogs this week as well. The children have been fantastic this term... they should now enjoy a well earned rest! See you next term.

Forest school

We have been exploring and experimenting with lots of different textures this week. This has included exploring sand, flour, shaving foam, water, cereal, paints and chalk. We enjoyed Attention Autism outdoor as well, exploring what happens to cola when mentos are added! On Thursday, we had our creative Arts afternoon, and on Friday we made pancakes! See you next week.

In our fourth week of term, we have enjoyed lots of opportunities for outdoor learning. This has included water play, jigsaw puzzles, chalk and flour mark-making, gardening, tower building and sensory circuits. We also enjoyed a surprise music session in the hall, during which we were able to explore instruments such as electric guitars and keyboards! We are hoping the pleasant spring weather continues as we enter week five.

We have enjoyed colouring and dressing clowns while continuing with our ‘at the circus’ theme this week. We have also enjoyed lots of physical activity, enjoying a PE session delivered by Wigan Athletic coaches, and exploring our physical capabilities by doing lots of climbing, running and bike riding in the sunny spring weather. We have continued to learn about all the different colours, and have been out in the community buying snacks at the local Aldi. See you next week!

During our second week of term, we have been learning about different colours as part of our ‘At the Circus’ topic! We have enjoyed making popcorn rainbows, painting cups and exploring a messy, pretend circus in the tuff tray! We have also enjoyed making cup cakes and rice stir fries, exploring the water tray during outdoor provision and visiting the sensory playground as well! Have a nice weekend and see you next week.

Forest School

Our first week back for the summer term has been filled with colour, crafts and creativity! Starting our ‘At the Circus’ topic, we have enjoyed making clown hats and faces, exploring circus-themed tuff trays and participating in our ‘Day at the Circus’ sensory story! We have also been enjoying the sunny weather, using our outdoor space to paint, draw and write with chalk, as well as to build our physicality through biking, trampolining and muscle work. We are excited about what this term shall bring!

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

Request Paper Copies

Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

