Autumn Term 1
Week 5
We have had a fun week in Michelle’s class this week. We have spent a lot of time in our Sensory Shed, worked hard in our Walkers and our other MOVE skills.
This week we made parrots using feathers and bird seed and continued to enjoy our sensory story, TacPac and Sensology sessions.
Week 4
We have had a fun week this week and our first trip out to the shops for breakfast!
We made pictures using lemon prints and making animal cookies.
We worked hard using our walking frames and standing frames.
Week 3
We have had a quiet week this week, with lots of illnesses in class. We made snake prints using bubble wrap and continued to work on our physical targets.
Week 2
This week we have enjoyed making nature pictures using leaves and sticks we collected from the playground and using handprints to make monkey pictures. We also enjoyed getting messy whilst making scented play dough.
We have worked hard on our physical targets and continued to enjoy our Jungle themed sensory story and TacPac session
Week 1
Our topic this term is the Jungle.
Michelle’s class have had a lovely first week back, seeing all our friends and staff again. We have enjoyed spending time in the sun, exploring our new sensory shed and having lots of time to play.
This week we have listened to our new sensory story Rumble in the Jungle, relaxed with our new Jungle themed TacPac and woken up our senses with our new Sensology box. We have also enjoyed painting and music sessions.