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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer Term 1 2024

Week 2

We have had such a busy week in Ally's class enjoying our Let's Explore topic. Our story this week was Giraffe's can't dance. We have enjoyed using dancing scarves in the story, exploring our story umbrella and twirling it around to make the Giraffe's dance. We listened to some African drumming and calming nature music. The children could use a communication board to name the animals and comment on how they were feeling. We loved our story.

For our Art activities this week we have made handprint giraffes, chosen colours to paint our class Giraffe (picture to follow when it's dry!), we have decorated African necklaces exploring patterns and using communication boards to select materials. 

For Earth day we experienced this through our Attention Autism session, where we explored the colours of the Earth then took turns to put our handprints on a template to create our own Earth pictures.

At swimming we had lots of fun joining in with all the activities, but our favourite part was choose time where we got to play on a platform and jump into the water.

This week we went for a walk to Sandy Lane park, which was new for us. Everyone did a fantastic job and they enjoyed exploring the new environment using the swings, climbing and drawing pictures.

On Thursday we went to the farm, even though the weather got a bit wet, we still had an amazing time. We enjoyed looking at, stroking and feeding the animals. Lots of us found the animals very funny and everyone was gentle with the animals. 

Next week we will be exploring the Arctic!

Week 1

Our theme for this half term is Let's Explore, we will be exploring lots of countries, including hot and cold places over the next few weeks. Our story this week was Handa's Surprise, we enjoyed exploring a hot country this week as well as the animals and fruit linked to the story. We read the story, explored a basket of fruit and used communication boards to say what animals and fruits we could see in the story. The children enjoyed holding and looking at the animals as well as touching, smelling and tasting the fruit. 

We had rebound therapy this week and the children enjoyed having a turn on the trampoline, practising listening and jumping with adult support. We also went swimming and they loved being in the water. This week we wet our faces, blew a ball in the water and practised swimming with a pool noodle.

The children did some amazing counting by counting animals in photographs and finding the number to label how many they could see. We have practised our fine motor skills by using playdough, tools and threading around animal shapes using pipe cleaners.

For our art activities this week we used fruit to do some printing, which was lots of fun and we used some fruit stencils on a roll of paper to make some fruit patterns. 

When we had finished our story the children enjoyed chopping up the fruit from the story and using it to make some fruit skewers or to taste the fruit. 

We have had a fantastic first week back!

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

