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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Spring Term 1

Week 6- This week, we have been reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We enjoyed playing with oat playdough, developing our fine motor skills. We have also made our own porridge this week, practising our life skills and we spoke about keeping safe when using the hob. We also got to add some different sauces to our porridge which was very tasty! We also enjoyed making some bear toast! We have had lots of lovely maths activities this week including sorting coloured beads into their correct colours and size ordering. We have been mark making in different textures such as oats and flour and had a go at reading some key words from the story. Have a lovely half term Kathryn’s class! 

Forest School Friday

Week 5- This week, we have been reading the story ‘The rabbit problem’. We have enjoyed lots of rabbit themed activities and loved retrieving the carrots out of the jelly using the tweezers! We have also planted some carrot seeds like they did in the story. We enjoyed some time playing with Mel’s class where we had a rabbit party! We have also been continuing with our sandwich making this week as part of our life skill sessions. We ended the week with a trip out on the bus to the Beacon where we saw the new Gruffalo! We also practised our gross motor skills on the playground. 

Week 4- This week we have been reading our sensory story ‘My first Chinese New Year’. We have really enjoyed this story. We have been doing lots of lovely Chinese themed activities including painting our own Cherry Blossom and painting a rabbit picture. We tried some different Chinese food and have been enjoying mark making the different Chinese numbers from 0-10 in the glitter. We also had a Chinese New Year parade with Mel’s class around school and we took our lovely Chinese drums we made with us. What a great week! 

Forest School Friday

Week 3- This week we have continued reading our story ‘Charlie Crow in the Snow’. We have been enjoying lots of winter themed activities this week. We have loved playing outside in the snow and playing with the ice, rescuing the numbers which were trapped inside. We have also been out on the bus to Aldi, Ruff wood and Rainford park and had a great time. We saw some different animals including squirrels and birds. In Aldi, we bought some Chinese food ready to try for next week as part of our Chinese New Year theme. 

Week 2- This week we have been reading our new story ‘Charlie Crow in the Snow’. We have really enjoyed reading this story. We started off the week by creating our own version of ‘Charlie Crow’. We all did a fantastic job! We made bears den from the story which we enjoyed exploring. We have been also creating some lovely winter pictures. We really enjoyed some ice play this week, where we had to get the different arctic animals out of the ice. This was a great activity for our fine and gross motor skills. We also did some dough disco to help with our hand muscles. This term, we are learning how to make a jam sandwich as part of our life skills. We will be doing this weekly. 

Forest school Friday

Week 1- Welcome back everyone! We’ve had a lovely first week back in Kathryn’s class. We have been learning all about the new year! We enjoyed a lovely PE session with Mel’s class where we made some New Years wishing wands and crowns. We enjoyed making fireworks biscuits and playing in the shaving foam, making fireworks in the tuff tray. We enjoyed being back at swimming this week. We also went on a visit to Applecast Farm which was great! We saw lots of different animals and really enjoyed seeing them all. 

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

