Colourful semantics is an approach created by a Speech and Language Therapist called Alison Bryan. We use this with some children at Kingsbury to help them develop their expressive language skills.
This approach helps children gradually build up the length of their sentences using colour coded cards to help them describe a picture -
e.g. People, Animals, Characters
(What) doing? / Verbs YELLOW
e.g. Throwing, Eating, Riding. I feel, I see, I want
Object e.g. ‘the ball’ ‘the sandwich’
Where? BLUE
Location e.g. ‘the park’ ‘the kitchen’
Once children are able to confidently use these first four stages they can progress onto using adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions and negatives.
If this an approach that your child is working on their class teacher, or speech and language therapist will be happy to talk to you about this. Through Evidence for Learning your child’s achievements with Colourful Semantics will be reported to you.