Spring Term 2
Our topic this term is ‘Our Life Around Us - Our Growing World’
Week 6- This week, we have been reading the story ‘We’re going on an egg hunt’. We have enjoyed lots of lovely Easter crafts this week. We also went on our very own Easter egg hunt in the playground which we loved! We’ve been finding different coloured eggs in soft play this week and practised our turn-taking skills. We’ve also enjoyed making some chocolate cornflake nests. We ended the week with a visit from the Easter bunny! We hope Kathryn’s class have a great Easter!
Forest School
Week 5- This week, we have been reading through story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We have done lots of different activities around this story, including wellie stomping like the giant on paper which we really enjoyed! We have been measuring different pictures of beanstalks using cubes and have been cutting up ‘beanstalks’ with scissors. We have some exciting news with our caterpillars… they have gone into their cocoons! We watched Michelle put them into the net where they will turn into beautiful butterflies! We ended the week with a trip to Applecast, where we saw lots of lovely animals and some of us wanted to feed them!
Week 4- We have had some new additions to Kathryn’s class this week! As we have been learning about ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, Kathryn bought us our very own caterpillars to look after. We have been observing them everyday and already they have grown a lot! We are very excited for them to turn into butterflies! We have continued doing lots of nice caterpillar and butterfly related activities including some small world play, repeated patterns and we even made some fruit kebabs this week. We have also been continuing with our life skills session this week, making toast. We are getting much better at spreading the butter into the bread.
Week 3- It’s been lovely being back in Kathryn’s class this week. We have started our new story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have been enjoying lots of caterpillar related activities. We did a story massage this week which we all really enjoyed and listened well to the instructions. We have also painted some lovely caterpillars, practising our fine motor skills. We ended the week with a trip out on the bus to Botanic Gardens in Southport and then we went and had some lunch in McDonald’s. We did so well sitting at the table in public. Kathryn was very impressed with us!
Week 2- We’ve had another busy week in Mel’s class this week as Kathryn’s class is being decorated. Our theme this week has been ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. In soft play this week we used the different sized blocks to build our own caves. We were really engaged in this and had great fun practising our turn taking, fine and gross motor skills. We also enjoyed making some binoculars to go on our very own bear hunt around school.
Forest School
Week 1- Welcome back! We’ve had a very busy week with Mel’s class this week! We have been reading the story ‘Mouses first Spring’. We made our own butterflies and learnt how to fold the paper in half so the pattern goes onto both sides of the paper. We also made some yummy pancakes on pancake day, where we practised our life skills flipping the pancakes and learning how to use the hob safely. We then chose what sauce to put on. We ended the week with a trip out to Dobbies, where we practised our life skills sitting in the cafe. We did a good job and enjoyed biscuits and juice. We also liked looking around the garden centre, especially at the different fish.