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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn Term 1

Week 6

We have had a very busy week all about pumpkins! Our sensory story this week was ‘Pumpkin Soup’. We went on an educational visit to Pumpkin Alley to pick our own pumpkins and had so much fun being pushed around in the wheelbarrows. We found big pumpkins and small pumpkins and we used our gross motor skills to pick them up and put them in wheelbarrows. We had a story massage and used the props to re-tell the story. We also made our own pumpkin soup! 

Week 5

This week we have been focussing on Autumn using our senses. Our story this week has been ‘Leaf Man’ and we have explored this book through sensory story, story massage and via the iPad. We have been on a scavenger hunt to find Autumnal items and have made our own Autumn music masterpiece by making our own instruments. We have also made our own hot chocolate for ‘smell’ and added some cinnamon on top of our squirty cream. We really enjoyed making our own apple turnovers. We peeled and chopped the apples as well as cooked them on the induction hob. We have had a very busy week!

Week 4

This week we went on our first Educational Visit to Bamber Bridge Leisure Park. We enjoyed going on the mini bus and brought Dougie, our therapy dog with us. We explored all of the equipment at the park and played so well with our friends. We have been doing lots of activities on looking after ourselves this week and we talked about our favourite fruits then made our own fruit kebabs. On Friday afternoons we enjoy a self care and mindfulness session. We brush our hair, brush our teeth and trim our nails. Kate visited us this week and had her nails done!

Week 3

This week we have been looking at the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and have explored our emotions as well as talked about what makes us happy, sad, angry and calm. We have practised our Makaton signs for our feelings and their colours. We enjoyed making our own squishies as well as some sensory bottles. We had our first Forest School session with Mel and loved making giant bubbles, playing in the mud kitchen and swinging in the hammock! We have also celebrated the Jewish festival ‘Rosh Hashana’. We tried apples dipped in honey and also made apple bird feeders. 

Week 2

This week we have explored Harvest. We had a sensory story of The Little Red Hen and then made our very own bread. It was delicious! We have enjoyed lots of play based on our interests too, including being Ninjas for the day and also playing with our tea set and have been doing lots of lovely sharing and making tea for our friends. 

Week 1

We have had such a wonderful first week back at school. We love having the extra space in school and have enjoyed our own outdoor space. This week we have been making new friends, getting to know our new classroom and have explored our topic ‘All about Me’. We made our very own self portraits using natural materials, decorated our names using lots of creative materials and made our own salt dough people. We have also explored lots of indoor and outdoor provision!

Get in touch

  • Acting Headteacher: Helen Smith
  • Deputy Headteachers: Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

