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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn Term 1 2023

Week 7

We have spent this week exploring using lots of our new communication skills around school and out on our educational visit. 

In P.E we were able to communicate what we wanted to do using core boards, we could request more of an activity we were enjoying and we practised using 'ready, steady, go'. There was lots of great skills used to climb, crawl and swing during our P.E session.

We have really been enjoying our Sensology sessions and are able to communicate what our favourite resources are to explore, we are also learning to use the resources appropriately and independently.

This half term we have been doing Lego Therapy sessions with Ally, the skills we have learnt include requesting coloured blocks, finding coloured blocks and learning some positional language 'on' and 'under' are what we've been practising. This weeks session involved lots of laughter and some great tower building!

We enjoyed an art session using peanut balls for some 'tummy time' painting, the children enjoyed exploring the paint and balancing themselves over the ball to see the paper. This was very fun and something we will be doing again!

Our educational visit this week took us pumpkin picking, the children were fantastic on the trip and enjoyed exploring the colours and muddy puddles! We looked at, touched and picked up some pumpkins. The children enjoyed climbing on and exploring the props built around the pumpkin patch.

Week 6


This week in Ally's class we have seen some absolutely amazing engagement and learning from our children.

We have seen fantastic communication, with the children choosing favoured items from limited choices. They were able to choose and exchange their photo for the object. Well done everyone.

We continued our 10 little superheroes story and everyone enjoyed exploring the bubbles, pressing the switches and showed great anticipation for what was coming next. 

Within our activities children enjoyed playing phonics games, exploring letter sounds and ordering the letters in the alphabet. In Ally's class we are also learning how to match the letters of our names to spell them. The children enjoyed exploring writing patterns using felt tips and making marks freely on paper.

On the sensory playground we saw some fantastic sharing and turn taking whilst using the equipment. In the light room the children are enjoying learning what Tac Pac is, they are exploring the props and accepting interaction from adults.

To end the week we did some sensory baking, we are so good at making cookies now! They were tasty and some of the children enjoyed eating them at the end of the day.

Week 5


Ally's class have done some super activities this week. We have enjoyed our new sensory equipment in class and have been exploring how to use it. In the light room we have been exploring TACPAC sessions, which were very fun, we enjoyed exploring the different textures and resources.

We enjoyed our group messy play activity, rolling different items through paint and printing different shape using familiar objects. Some of us even got our hands and feet involved and explored making prints using our bodies.

The children were fantastic on our educational visit to the park, they took turns and shared equipment. The children requested 'help' and asked for 'more' when using the equipment.

We have done lots of good sharing this week, including when we played cause and effect programmes on the computer. The children watched as their friends made patterns or played music.

On Friday we decorated some biscuits using icing and sweets, we chose what we wanted to add to our biscuits and some of us had a taste of the different items. We also enjoyed making Superhero hand prints which involved choosing our hero from a visual choice, choosing our own colours and sticking on our shields!

Week 4

We have had another great week in Ally's class. The children are really enjoying our Superhero topic and we have continued with our story 'I am a Superhero'.

This week we have made our own Superhero shields with our initial on them, we did some great painting and communicating to say what we wanted to use.

The children have worked hard this week with their communication and we have seen some fantastic communicating from everyone in class within a range of activities.

We enjoyed lots of gross motor activities within our PE session, we are getting good at climbing and balancing. In class we have used our blue rocking chair and the body sock a lot this week, its been great fun.

Everyone enjoyed our Sensology session, the children show their preferences clearly and will wait for their favourite items.

Also you can see our finished Superhero pictures from last week, now that they are finally dry. 

Forest School

Week 3


Ally's class have had a brilliant week, taking part in lots of new activities. We started a new Sensory story this week called 'I am a Superhero'. The children have done really well sitting for group and exploring the props linked to the activity. We had some small world Superhero toys to play with, which linked to our story. To link to our story we have done some art activities to create a Superhero scene, the children have enjoyed painting and sticking to create their artwork (stay tuned next week for finished pictures).

We did some mark making and decorated Superhero masks, which looked great. The children chose their colours and independently made marks. The children have accessed a range of fine motor activities this week including threading, playdough and foam to make marks in.

This week we have introduced a Sensology session, which the children really enjoyed. Sensology is designed to stimulate the senses and provide sensory experiences for the children. They all engaged well and showed clear preferences for textures, sounds, lights, smells and tastes.

On Thursday we went on our first visit using the bus, the children were all amazing. We went to a local park where they enjoyed running, climbing, sharing and exploring through the senses. 

To finish our week we had a sensory baking session, where we made cookies. The children all actively participated and enjoyed feeling and pouring the ingredients. When the cookies were baked, they all had the opportunity to taste them if they wanted to. Well Done Ally's class!

Week 2

We have had a fantastic week in Ally's class and have been very busy. The children are still enjoying our Superworm story and are engaging well with group time. We have also enjoyed exploring different sounds and how we can make different sounds using instruments. The children explored the objects by shaking, squeezing and pressing to see how they could make a sound, they all persevered and showed a preference for one item. Next we are going to see if we can match the sounds to the pictures.

This week there has been lots of interest in construction, we have enjoyed building, stacking, knocking down, filling and emptying. The children have independently been exploring the mega blocks as well as tuff trays filled with materials and construction vehicles. 

On Wednesday we had our first PE lesson and enjoyed exploring the equipment in small groups. There were opportunities to climb, run, walk, swing and crawl. The children chose what they wanted to explore, some chose to have little races and we played 'ready steady go', others chose to climb or requested 'more' when on the swing. 

This week we have had lots of opportunities for mark making using sensory materials or writing materials, the children were free to choose what they wanted to explore and lots of them enjoyed using crayons on sandpaper to make marks.

The children all enjoyed exploring our small train track and communicating with an adult as to what they wanted. They could start and stop the train as well as adding more carriages. It was lots of fun and the children engaged really well. Well done everyone! 

Forest School

Week 1

Welcome back to everybody and welcome to our two new friends in Ally's class. It was a lovely week to be back and the weather meant we could have lots of fun outside with our friends.

Our theme for this half term is 'Superheroes'. This week we started to read the story Superworm, we enjoyed exploring props linked to the story and investigating how they worked. We had stretchy 'worms', light up bees and a frog that kicked his legs. All the children came and explored elements of the story, which was fantastic.

We did some sensory baking and started off with a firm favourite, chocolate cornflake cakes! The children loved exploring the melted chocolate and cereal, they even managed to sneak a taste.

The children enjoyed exploring paint and felt tips to do some independent mark making, they did a great job and made us some lovely pictures for the windows.

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

