MOVE stands for Movement Opportunities Via Education.
It is a child centred programme that involves families, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical professionals, and school staff working together to maximise children’s functional movement and physical development. For the children who access the MOVE programme, it is essential for them, in order to be as independent as possible. MOVE impacts all areas of provision and personal development. This includes social, emotional, and mental health, communication, and self-help skills. Aspirational goals are broken down into short term achievable steps. These are regularly evaluated and reviewed.
Although the programme is designed to teach children with additional physical needs to sit, stand, walk and transfer, the programme at Kingsbury extends to physical development support for children working beyond this phase but who still benefit from additional input.
The programme is appropriate for any age. Opportunities are created all throughout the day and through routine for children to practice and develop in a meaningful way.
MOVE targets for children may include:
Head control, including the ability to lift the head to visually access the environment and community around them.
Working in a front lying position to develop and strengthen neck and core muscles.
Independent sitting to access more of the learning environment without help
Walking with decreasing amounts of support to transition, to explore and to travel in self-chosen directions.
Learning to climb stairs, reducing the need for being carried or hoisted.
Working on sit to stand or independent standing to transfer from one position to the next with minimal support.