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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Summer term 2 2024

Week 7

We have had a fun filled last week in Ally's class. The children have enjoyed engaging with lots of activities they enjoy. We have enjoyed lots of outdoor activities including water play and painting. The children have had lots of fun playing with our giant train track and sharing it with their friends. We have had lots of messy activities and played with small world toys. We have had a great year in Ally's class. From all the staff we hope you have a fantastic Summer break and we can't wait to see them again in September!

Week 6

The children have enjoyed lots of fun and exciting activities this week. They continued reading our story 'The Big Red Bath' and exploring all the props that go along with the story. 

This week we have also enjoyed small world play with dinosaurs, messy play, using kinetic sand, cutting, jigsaw puzzles and games on the interactive board.

It was a fun swimming session this week, where the children got to play and explore all their favourite things.

Our favourite part of the week was our class trip to Blackpool Zoo. It is the first time we have been out for the full day and the children were amazing. The rain stayed away and we got to enjoy the day walking around and looking at the animals. Some of the animals made us laugh, particularly the penguins as they swam in front of the glass. We had an amazing day!

Week 5


This week we have explored our new story 'The Big Red Bath', we have had lots of activities linked to bubbles, water and animals to link to the story.

The children enjoyed going for a walk in the community and exploring the equipment at Sandy Lane Park.

During our Attention Autism session the children took turns to paint shells and were really engaged with the activity.

We have enjoyed sensory play activities making marks in gloop and in porridge oats. They have explored pre writing patterns and enjoyed exploring the texture of different materials. 

The children have done an amazing job preparing their Enterprise for Summer Fest, every child participated in colouring rice or filling bags by scooping and pouring. 

One of our favourite activities this week was bubble painting, we got to explore bubbles in lots of different ways to make our pictures and it was lots of fun.

Forest school

Week 4

We have continued enjoying our story about Rainbow Fish this week. The children have enjoyed exploring materials and objects linked to the story, we explored patterns using sequin material through the story.

It has been such a hot week this week and with our topic being 'Splash' we have made the most of it and enjoyed lots of water play activities both inside and outside! The children have explored pouring and filling using the water tray. We got out the foam water sprayers, alongside our friends in Jo's class and the children had lots of fun outside wetting the adults!

In class we decorated our own Rainbow fish using coloured water and pipettes, the children enjoyed this alongside their friends. We had some ice painting in a tuff tray, the children explored making marks with the coloured ice blocks. 

We have had lots of interactive activities on the board this week including colouring, jigsaw puzzles, number games, phonics games as well as cause and effect activities which the children have enjoyed exploring.

This week we have been lucky enough to go out for a few walks and on the mini bus, the children have enjoyed getting out and about.

We had a busy day Friday helping to make our sensory play items for Enterprise, making pizza, visiting the light room and having a fun filled sensory play afternoon. 

Week 3


This week we have explored the story Rainbow Fish and had lots of under the sea themed activities. Everyone decorated their own Rainbow fish by making a collage using tissue paper.

The children enjoyed exploring painting on foil, they were encourage to paint their own fish. We also had a giant water mat the children enjoyed exploring which had jellyfish, shells, fish, a crab and sea weed that we could move around by patting. The tuff tray stand was wrapped in cling film and the children enjoyed exploring colour mixing and painting on different surfaces.

This week we have enjoyed lots of number puzzles, number games and colour sorting activities. 

We have seen some fantastic engagement and interaction through our Attention Autism and Sensology sessions this week, lots of lovely eye contact, smiles and vocalisations. 

Forest school

Week 2

We have had a fantastic week this week!

This week we continued with our story 'Sharing a Shell'. The children have explored resources linked to the story and used visual communication boards to make comments about 'who' and 'what' they can see in the story.

We have explored Lego Therapy, the children did amazingly well understanding positional language and colours. 

They have explored numbers and colours through counting objects and using grids to count out a number of objects. We also explored stacking and shape sorting activities. The children have really enjoyed exploring puzzles this week.

Our community walk was to Sandy Lane park, the children are becoming more familiar with the local community and our route to the park. They are also doing extremely well at learning to walk with adults when out, waiting to cross the road and even looking for cars.

At swimming this week the main focus was on kicking our legs, moving our arms and doing a star float on their back. The children accepted support from familiar adults to help them move on their front, back and to float. 

We have also done some Father's day crafts this week, making cards and pictures for the special men in our lives. The children made dinosaur themed cards, choosing a dinosaur shape and doing handprints from the dinosaurs spikes. 

This week the children went out on the bus to Rainford park and Bickerstaffe park, they really enjoy going out on the bus and had lots of fun exploring the equipment.

The children have explored mark making by colouring, tracing pre writing patterns and their names this week. They also did some fine motor activities using playdough and cutting the playdough dinosaur spikes using squeezy scissors. 

It was lovely to welcome the special men in our children's lives to school on Friday, we hope you all had as much fun as we did! Thank you for coming. 


Week 1

It was so lovely to see everyone back this week. We had a lovely week and did lots of activities. Our theme for this half term is 'Splash!' We will be exploring different stories relating to all things water related. Our story this week and next week is Sharing a Shell, we have had some sand and water play to explore rockpools this week. 

This week at swimming we got to explore some new inflatables during our choose time, which was very exciting. Everybody explored them in some way. On the sensory playground we played with our friends and used communication boards to express what we wanted. 

The children enjoyed Sensology in small groups, exploring their senses using different sensory items. We explored World Ocean's day through playdough and using under the sea animal cutters to make playdough shapes. They also enjoyed using different colours of blue, green, silver and white to make Ocean pictures using paintbrushes and textured scrapers. 

We did some amazing mark making, practising our pencil control. Some children traced pre writing shapes and everybody enjoyed colouring a hermit crab picture. The children also got to experience our new light room for the first time, it was very exciting and there are lots of interactive elements to explore. Everybody had a great time and did some fantastic exploring and sharing with friends. 

Forest School

Get in touch

  • Acting Headteacher: Helen Smith
  • Deputy Headteachers: Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

