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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Eddie's Class

15th July


This week we have continued are summer theme and have enjoyed a variety of activities. Below are a selection of these activities:


- Visited Formby beach

- Followed visual and written instructions to make healthy ice cream and boats 

- Sorted summer and winter clothing 

- Cognition and Learning activities in the Light Room

- Sensory Massage

- Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle

- Attention Autism 

- Exchanged money for goods

- Lots of learning through play


8th July 


We have had another busy week and have loved learning about Summer. Below are some of the activities we have participated in this week:


- Read a multi sensory sea side story 

- Attention Autism summer theme 

- We made ice cream

- Exchanged money for goods

- Wrote orders for our ice cream 

- Dough gym 

- Story Massage

- Swimming 

- Sensory playground 

- Sensory PE

- Lots of play

1st July 


This week our topic has been Magical Make Believe and we have focused on Frozen. Below are a selection of activities that have taken place:


- We read a short Frozen story

- Wrote our names on Snowballs

- Followed visual and written instructions to make salt dough Olaf’s

- Focused on counting whilst making snow cones 

- Fine motor Frozen maths play

- Lots of Frozen play

- Swimming 

- Learning to cross the road

- And lots more

Our attention has been on healthy eating this week. View some of the tasks we accomplished this week:


- Followed instructions to make different healthy foods for our Teddy Bear’s Picnic

- Exploring and sorting healthy and unhealthy foods

- Healthy eating bingo

- We read Goldilocks 

- Story Massage 

- Learning how to cross the road

- Lots of fine motor and play activities 



17th June


Our topic this week is dinosaurs, and we have participated in different activities relating to this. Here is a sample of what we have done:


- Read the multi-sensory story ‘My Dinosaur’

- Followed visual and written instructions to create salt dough. We then made dinosaur fossils and painted them

- Threading lace into dinosaurs 

- Counted different dinosaur objects

- Some children went to Rock and River and canoed

- Made Father’s Day cards

June 10th


We have had an extremely short week in school. Some of the children participated in a swimming gala and competed against various schools from across the North West. The children swam various races some individual and some team races. Kingsbury worked as a team and cheered each other on! We came in 6th place. Here are some other activities we participated in:


- Mark marking and writing in glitter

- Gardening

- Followed instructions to make crackers and cheese

- We made play dough and practised cutting and using a knife and fork

- Learning to ride a bike

- Attention Autism 

- Lots of PLOs and learning through play

This week we have continued to learn about the Queens’s Jubilee and have participated in activities relating to this. Our second group started their first of three sessions and enjoyed archery and a nature walk. Below are a selection of activities from this week:


- Handed and identifying coins and money 

- Wrote a letter to the Queen and posting them at the post box

- Followed instructions to make a scarecrow of our headteacher and entered it into the Burscough competition, ‘The Queen of Kingsbury School’

- Various arts and crafts relating to the Jubilee
- Followed instructions to make a cup of tea and a sponge cake
- Jigsaws
- Swimming
- Story massage 

- Lots of learning through play

20th May


The children have had a great week celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. Here are some of this week’s activities:


- Preparing foods for Afternoon Tea - scones, cucumber sandwiches, cutting up strawberries, etc.

- Attention Autism - Changing of the Guard

- Afternoon Tea - using cutlery and learning about British Culture 

- We read ‘The Queen’s Knickers’ and participated in activities relating to the story (counting knickers, designing our own knickers and more)

- Swimming 

- Learning to ride a bike

13th May


This week has been a special week. Some of the children went on a residential trip to Borwick Hall and stayed over for two nights. Next week we are excited to celebrate The Queen’s Jubilee. 

The activities at Borwick included: 

-  Unpacking and packing suitcases


- Caving

- Walking


6th May


This week was another slightly shorter week due to the bank holiday but we still managed to participate in lots of engaging activities. Here are a few of them;


- Learning about the religious festival Eid

- One group started Rock and River. The activity was a low ropes course

-We continued with our topic Superheroes and designed our own superhero

- Fine motor activities - dough gym and threading

- Learning to ride bikes

- Swimming 

- Lots of learning through play 

29th April


Here are a selection of the activities that we have participated in this week in class:


- Learning how to make simple meals - soup, bagels, toast, cereal

- Fine motor activities- dough gym, colour sorting using peg boards

-Lots of Attention Autism sessions 

- We read the multi-sensory story Supertato and then had lots of fun activities relating to this - mashing potatoes, potato printing and re-acting the story through small world

- Story massage 

- Lots of learning through play and PLOs

22nd April


It’s been a short but busy week! This week we have been settling into our new classroom. Here are a few of the activities we have participated in:


- A variety of outdoor maths and writing activities 

- Learning how to use knives and forks 

- Attention Autism 

- Swimming

- PE

- Cooking 

- Lots of messy play and outdoor play


This week our theme has been Easter and the Christian Faith. We also moved classroom - please see the pictures if your child would benefit from looking at them for after half term. Here are some of the activities we have participated in: 


- Creating and writing Easter cards 

- Easter hunt

- Following instructions to make Easter cakes

-Easter meal

- Attention Autism

-  Swimming

- Story Massage 

- Lots of learning through play  

- And lots more

25th March


We are enjoying the sunny weather and participating in lot of outdoor learning. Here a some of the activities from this week:


- Squiggle whilst You Wiggle then writing

- Lego Therapy

- Writing Mother’s Day cards

- Attention Autism

- Road safety 

- Basic voting 

- Making simple meals - cheese and crackers 

- PE


- Lots of learning through play


18th March


It is nearly Spring time! This means there have been lots of fun learning taking place. Here are a selection of activities from this week:


- Read the sensory story Jack and the Beanstalk and The Messy Magpie and participated in activities relating to this

- Looking after our plants 

- Writing messages for Mother’s Day

- Story Massage

- Making a simple meal - cheese crackers 

 Attention Autism - learning to wash and dry our hair

- Forest School

- Recycling and how to look after our planet

- Education Visit - buying books




11th March


The children participated in World Book Day on Monday. Here are a selection of what we learnt about/activities we joined in with this week: 


- Attention Autism 

- Read a variety of books

- A book scavenger hunt

- Outdoor maths activities 

- Baking - Gruffalo paws

- In anticipation of Mother’s Day we have planted Sweet Peas 

- Story Massage

- And lots more 

4th March


This week has been another packed week! We have participated in different activities. Here are some of them:


- Nursery Rhymes

- Story Massage  

Attention Autism 

- We learnt about Shrove Tuesday

- Dough Gym

- Swimming 

- Baking - healthy eating 

- Road safety 

- Music

- Bike riding 

- Lots of learning in the provision

25th February 


We’ve had a busy first week back after half term. The children enjoyed celebrating National Love Your Pet Day. Here are a selection of the activities we have completed:


- Read Dear Zoo

- Sorted and grouped animals into different categories, e.g. striped, plain, spotted, colours, etc.

- Made a pet photo frame and wrote about our pet

- Attention Autism linked to animals 

- Followed instructions to make scrabbled egg and banana bread

- Swimming

- Forest School

- Learning to ride a bike

- Lots of learning through play

11th February


This week our theme has been Chinese New Year and Valentines Day. Here are some of the activities the children have enjoyed:


- Reading the sensory story The Tiger That Came for Tea

- Making and tasting different Chinese Foods

- Learning why people celebrate Chinese New Year and Valentines Day

- Arts and crafts

- Forest School

- Makaton signing

- Attention Autism 

- Cognition and learning in the light room

- Soft play sessions


When we return after half term our theme is ‘love your pet’.

4th February


We have had another super week in class. Here a selection of the activities we have engaged in:


- Followed instructions to make pasta

- Lego Therapy

- Makaton signing 

- PE

- Swimming 

- Attention Autism

- How to cross a road

- We continued to read sensory stories relating to space and participated in activities around this, e,g. making rockets using 2D shapes

- Forest School

- Learning through play 


28th January 2022


This week our theme has been space. We have participated in lots of fun and engaging activities such as:


- Music

- Attention Autism

- We read two space sensory stories - ‘My Sister is an Alien and Aliens Love Underpants

- Art and craft - making rockets and spaceships

- Cooking - space pizzas and fruit rockets

- Swimming

- Lego Therapy

- Dough disco

- Learning through play 


21st January 2022


This week has been a fun-packed week! We have been busy participating in a range of activities. Here are some of them:


- Attention Autism 

- Swimming

- Art and Crafts

- Bike riding 

- Read a Rain, Sun and Shine and completed activities relating to weather

- Followed instructions to make hot chocolate and trifle 

- Learning about weather and general Makaton signs

- Lots of learning through play

14th January 2022


This week we have started our new Topic and have began to learn about weather. We also enjoyed these activities:


- Reading The Stickman sensory story and completing lots of activities relating to this, e.g. mark making, cutting skills, etc. 

-  Reading Pirate Boy and having activities relating to the story - walking the plank, role play, counting coins, pirate baking, etc. 

- Music

- Road safety 

- Attention Autism

- Lots of personal learning outcomes through the curriculum 

- And lots lots more!

7th January 2022


The children have had a super first week back in school. It has been a short week but we have still participated in lots of activities:


- Following instructions to make bread and beans on toast

- Attention Autism 

- PE - climbing and jumping safely

- Road safety

- Thrive activities - exploring out emotions and painting 

- Learning through play

Next week we are starting out new topic! 

17th December 2021


Merry Christmas everyone we hope you enjoy our Christmas song. I’ve sent it via Evidence For Learning. Have a lovely holiday.



This week our theme has been winter. Here of some the activities that we have enjoyed:


- Reading a winter sensory poem

- Making hot chocolate, Christmas biscuits and a Christmas dinner and bird feeders

- Our Christmas play

- Lots of Attention Autism 

- Visiting Christmas lights

- Learning though play

- Lego Therapy

- Forest School

- Number activities in the light room




It’s December!! Which means we have lots of festive learning taking place. Here are a selection of activities from this week:


- Read the sensory story Jack and the Beanstalk and had activities relating to this

- Dough gym

- Attention Autism - learning to wash and dry our hair

- Making Christmas potions 

- Forest School

- Christmas themed PE sessions

- We made chilli con carne

- Christmas play rehearsals 

- Lots of learning through play

We have had another fun week in class. Here is a selection of activities that we have participated in:


- Listened to different audiobooks

- Parachute play

- We made soup and brownies

- Learning how to cross the road

- Lots of Attention Autism, sensory stories and play!




Here are a selection of the activities that we have participated in this week in class:


- Learning how to make simple meals - toast, bagels, cheese sandwiches 

- Fine motor activities- threading, dough gym, etc

- Forest School - created a fire and ate popcorn

-Lots of Attention Autism sessions 

- The children voted to read the Three Little Pigs. We then had lots of fun activities relating to this (role play, retelling using puppets, making houses, ordering numbers)

- Lots of learning through play



We have had another action packed week. Here are some of the activities that the children have enjoyed:


- Reading traditional tales and completing activities around these

- Planting for Autumn

- Diwali and Remembrance 

- Attention Autism 

- Baking 

- Lego therapy 

- Learning through play




We have had a great first week back in school. Here are a few of the things we have been learning about:


- Lego Therapy 

- How to make simple meals and follow instructions 

- Creating bonfires using leaves different coloured paper

- We read Gordon’s great escape and completed lots of activities based on the book - emotions, filling up balloons with different liquids

- Road safety

- Sensory PE

- Lots of learning through play and messy play




The children and staff have loved our Halloween themed week in class! Here are some of the activities:


- Halloween baking

- Thrive activities including painting and drawing 

- Pumpkin picking 

- Dressing up and role play

- Making potions 

- We read lots of stories.

- Signed the story Room on the Broom

- Lots and lots of messy play




Another fun and exciting week in our class. Here are a few of the activities we have participated in:


- Makaton signing 

-  We read the Sensory Story - Kitchen Disco and participated in lots of activities around this including, healthy eating, art, sensory PE, writing etc

- Lego Therapy

- Swimming 

- Forest School





We have had another fun week engaging in different activities. Here are a few of them:


- Learning about the parts of the body

- Bike riding

- How to cross a road safely 

- Sensory stories and activities relating to Elmer & Elmer’s Parade 

- Turn taking 

-  Emotions and mindfulness 






We have had another super week in class. Here a few of the activities we have participated in:


- Changing seasons

- Baking brownies 

- Emotional literacy 

- Brushing teeth

- Lego Therapy 

- How to put a seat belt on

- Listening activities 

- The days of the week

- Swimming 



This week we have been very busy completing lots of different activities:


Reading stories relating to our new topic and following instructions

PE  - multi skills 

Life Skills - baking, riding bikes and washing hands


Messy Play

Dough Gym 

Lego Therapy 




We are an active class who are always on the go.  We learn best through play and real-life experiences. We enjoy Swimming, Rebound Therapy, Forest School, Outdoor Learning, Community Walks and Visits and lots of Messy Sensory Play! We work hard and play hard too!! 

Our curriculum focuses on Social Interaction, Communication, Emotional Regulation, Sensory Difficulties and Independence skills and is delivered through a mixture of informal and semi-formal, sensory play-based learning. 

Summer 2021!


Welcome back! We are so happy to all be back all together after lockdown 3.0! 

We have lots of fun planned this term, our topic is ‘Our Wonderful World’ where we will be looking at habitats, animals and dinosaurs.


Planting Tomato Seeds.

Spring 2021.


We hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

Our term hasn't started the way we would have liked, but we will get through the next few uncertain weeks the way we have done for the last year... TOGETHER!


When the children are in school we will be continuing to work on their personal learning outcomes (PLOs) and keeping our routine and learning as 'normal' as we can possibly make it.


For when the children are at home we will be setting home learning activities and posting videos of activities via EFL.  If appropriate we will also post or deliver work or equipment to support the children.


We completely understand that these are difficult, trying and tiring times for everyone so please do not feel pressured to complete these activities, you know your children best and you need to do what is right for you as a family at home.


Don't forget to keep uploading photos and videos onto EFL to show us what you have been up to!!


Please contact us via our class email if you have any questions or need support 


Michelle and the P2 Team 

Home Learning Week Commencing 08.02.2021

Home Learning Plan 01.02.2021

Home Learning Plan Week Commencing 25.01.2021

Home Learning Activities For Week Commencing 18.01.2021

Welcome to Purple Frogs 2019-20


Coivd 19 Update.


Dear Parents and Carers,


We understand that these are uncertain times that we are experiencing and we are here to support you and your families in any way that we can.


We have emailed out a list of activities that can be completed at home along with useful websites and information.  This is in no means a 'to do' list as we know you will have lots of great ideas and you know what works best for your child. Please do not feel that you must do these activities, do whatever you feel is best for you and your family at this very challenging time. 


I will also be emailing and posting videos of Attention Autism, Sensory Stories and any other ideas that you can watch with your children or have a go at yourself.  Again we do not expect you to do this, we are just providing ideas which may help.  Please do not feel that you must do these we don't expect you to try and re-create school at home.  

However, We would love to see what you are all up while at home so please send photographs let us know how how you are getting on via our Evidence for Learning app! 


Please stay safe and take care, we know how difficult this time is for everyone. Please you need any advice please do not hesitate to contact me via the purple frogs email address. We miss you and look forward to seeing you all once this is over.


Purple Frogs 2 Team

Get in touch

  • Acting Headteacher: Helen Smith
  • Deputy Headteachers: Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

Request Paper Copies

Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

