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Kingsbury Primary School
As a School we learn. As a family we grow.

Autumn Term 1

Week 6

This week we have again been looking at Autumn. We have made salt dough hedgehogs, we have painted using conkers and our fingers. We have counted conkers, leaves, acorns, sticks trees and anything we could! We have also made leaf people. These activities help us with our communication and our fine motor skills. We have sung lots of nursery rhymes, and this afternoon we have baked fairy cakes! 

Week 5

This week our story is ‘We’re going on a leaf hunt’ We have been on a walk around school to hunt for lots of leaves, acorns and conkers we didn’t find any conkers but luckily on of our teachers has some so we have borrowed them. We have completed lots of Autumn activities such as a sensory bag, fingerprinting, modelling play dough in to conker shapes, acorns and different shaped leaves. 
We also enjoyed our PE session using the equipment, we were really excited and loved climbing, jumping and balancing correctly. 

week 4

This week we have continued our story “I am a superhero” along with lots more painting and messy play, we have made our own superhero masks, capes, costumes and we are doing really well using the communication boards as it helps us to choose what we want to do. We have also enjoyed lots of water play and getting wet!  We are trying really hard with our makaton signing and trying to learn our ‘sign of the week’ 

Week 2&3

 We have been reading our books  “Superworm” (wk 2) and “I am a superhero” (wk3) we have listened to our stories completed lots of adult led activities such as making play dough super worms, helping  us with our fine motor skills, we have created repeating pattern worms and painting superhero’s and creating our own superhero capes. We have spent time both outside in our playground and on the sensory playground practicing our gross motor skills and our balancing and climbing is getting better all the time! We have begun to use communication boards to help us express our needs and wants which means we having lots more fun! We have had Pe where we played some parachute games so lots of turn taking which can be a bit tricky sometimes! And after all this hard work we had a chill out and enjoyed our story massage in the light room.

Forest School

Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Katie Lyon
  • Deputy Headteachers: Helen Smith and Ruth Watkinson

Term dates

Autumn Term 1 Ends - Friday 20th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Begins - Monday 30th October 2023

Autumn Term 2 Ends - Friday 22nd December 2023

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Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from our school office. We will provide this free of charge.

